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The children that Interlife meets every day are orphans, lonely children, entrusted to grandparents too old to take care of them, or to older siblings, not old enough yet. They are exploited or sold for their labour and forced to work more than 12 hours a day in terrible conditions.
To protect these children and ensure them the peaceful childhood they are entitled to, Interlife provides integrated programmes of Child Protection,  Child Sponsorship and a new comprehensive protection model that provides  Child Sponsorship + Interlife Toolkit; hence addressing the causes of all the problems affecting children and aiming to guarantee protection, medical care, food safety and schooling to the poorest ones, offering their families a programme of professional training and job placement.
The children that Intelife meets every day are orphans or half orphans, they are very poor and extremely vulnerable. For them Interlife implements programmes of prevention and protection against underage labour, and to reintroduce them into school with integrated child protection actions.
Malnutrition and infant mortality, extreme poverty, child labour and exploitation, lack of opportunities, social and gender discrimination are just some of the issues that these children face.
By combining its well-established experience in the world of international cooperation and child sponsorship with the innovative process of the Toolkit, Interlife offers a further, extraordinary opportunity of solidarity i.e., it helps a child and an entire family.
To be close to children and their problems, we need the attention of the whole community and the help of everybody: 
With the Child Sponsorship + Interlife Toolkit programme we can guarantee children a safe present and a better future, but to do so…
The figures on children we support with child sponsorship:
+ 0
Children supported with children dedicated Interlife programmes
+ 0
100 children in the Child Sponsorship + Interlife Toolkit programme monitored over the years
0 %
Schooling rate among the children from the families with an Interlife Toolkit
0 %
Access to higher education of the children from the recipient families who have the means to invest in their children’s higher education

An ongoing study on approximately 100 monitored children and families:

0 %
Percentage of the Toolkits handed over from one recipient to another
0 %
Increase in the family income in the first year of Toolkit activity
+ 0
Increase in the number of meals from 1 to 3 per day
It's important to act NOW!


There are still many children in India and Africa who need protection and child sponsorship!


Interlife works to change children’s life also with aimed programme such as “Emergency Girls” devoted to the girls who are victims of trafficking, violence and often of sex tourism. Girls also have access to the Underage Work Redemption Scheme, to health schemes and other simple but effective schemes such as “A Bicycle for School”, which donate girls a means of transport to reach school fast and safe, without risking sexual aggressions which, unfortunately, can take place while walking.

Interlife, thanks to the Toolkit, has revolutionised the concept of long-distance support: no longer “social aid”, but the extraordinary opportunity to help a whole family giving them their own business, therefore, making them independent.

We carry out projects that sponsor very poor children and give their parents an Interlife Toolkit.


Child Sponsorship … close to the little ones. Change a child’s life and yours


Mediterranean Emergency

Let’s change the world together,
one Toolkit at a time!

Interlife International Organization C.F. 07988580960
All Rights Reserved.
Interlife International
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