The benefits of planting are many:
- The climatic, ecosystem and nutritional benefits of planting are many.
- Tree planting can reduce temperature by 2-8°C. Large trees filter pollutants and particulate matter.
- Mature trees regulate the flow of water and improve its quality.
- A single tree can absorb up to 150 kg of Carbon dioxide per year and sequester carbon from the atmosphere, thus helping to mitigate climate change.
Moreover, in the areas at risk of desertification where we operate, trees are the only real solution that can halt soil degradation and stop the desert expanding.
The numerous benefits that planting trees brings to the environment are closely connected to the nutritional benefits they guarantee to the people.
Depending on the context and local ecosystem, we promote the planting of Multipurpose Trees (multifunctional trees) from highly nutritious species, such as moringa.
The planting of moringa is an excellent method both for its environmental impact and for its food value due to the tree’s intrinsic ability to be ‘entirely edible’, thus supplementing the local diet and reducing malnutrition, which is very common, particularly in children.