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Interlife launches the song “The Mediterranean”. The aim is to raise funds for our humanitarian projects in Africa as a concrete alternative to the deaths that continue to occur in the Mediterranean Sea.
Thousands of people will no longer be forced to leave and will see their lives changed forever, for the better.

The song “The Mediterranean” is sung by Giorgia Gambini  together with Sandy Chambers.

Can a song change the world?

We believe that change can be triggered also by small gestures, even the simplest, such as listen to a song and sharing it!

The Mediterranean

The song

The song “The Mediterranean” is closely linked to Interlife’s mission: it allows extremely poor and vulnerable people to ensure their families a better present and future. The song stems from the strong desire to do something concrete to challenge a humanitarian tragedy that affects us all.
 The Italian version of the song The Mediterranean” was written in one go by Interlife President, Giorgia Gambini, one night after having witnessed yet another slaughter of innocents from Africa in search of a better future in Europe. With this song, Interlife wants to shout to the whole world the emergence of a tragedy which concerns us all as human beings and for which we all need to do something. Interlife has an alternative for those who do not want to board a ship and wish to stay in their homeland with their dear ones: the Interlife Toolkit.

Over 2000 extremely vulnerable people, at risk of migration, are waiting to start their own business guaranteeing them food safety thanks to the “Interlife Toolkit”.

A concrete alternative to the forced choice to abandon their own land and to the journey during which thousands and thousands of men, women and children lose their life in the Mediterranean Sea or in the attempt to cross the desert.
The song “The Mediterranean” is closely connected to Interlife’s mission: enabling extremely poor and vulnerable people to guarantee their families a better present and future. The song stems from the strong desire to do something concrete in the face of this humanitarian tragedy concerning us all.
Over 2000 extremely vulnerable people are waiting to start their own business and reach food safety with their “Interlife Toolkit”, a concrete alternative to leaving their homeland for a journey which is often deadly for thousands of men, women and children on the route of the Mediterranean.

Join us now

The Mediterranean

“The Mediterranean” song project is another Interlife concrete project, which gives everyone the opportunity to make their own contribution against the culture of indifference.

Over 2,000 people are waiting for a chance not to leave the land they love: Africa. 

Thanks to the donations to the humanitarian project “The Mediterranean” we will be immediately able to give out 400 Interlife Toolkits in Ivory Coast to 440 families, who, in approximately 12 months, after handing over the Toolkit, will become 800 and so on, according to a virtuous replicative mechanism of the results.

Thanks to the Interlife replicative mechanism, we will reach 100,000 people in a short time.

Donate immediately an Interlife Toolkit and trigger change  


Mediterranean Emergency

Let’s change the world together,
one Toolkit at a time!

Interlife International Organization C.F. 07988580960
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Interlife International
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